20JunBlueberry Cornbread with Maple ButterConfession: I am a movie dork. I have an issue with watching the same films
15JunSchug and Hodgepodge EggsDear Matt, Here is my non-baking post. I hope you enjoy. When I’m staying
10MayWhite Chocolate Macadamia SconesI know! I know! It’s been two weeks since my last post. I apologize! I’ve
04AprTomato, Parmesan, & Prosciutto BruschettaI do not feel like writing a thing. I am exhaaaausted. And thus, didn’t make
15MarBuffalo Chicken QuesalillasThis weekend, my beau and I hosted “Sabado Picante.” How many quesadillas were consumed at
02FebIsraeli Cheese BourekasButtery pastry and cheese… what could be better??? Well, maybe cookie dough. But right now,