Hummus with Corn & Schug

Summer in Hotlanta has become damn disgusting. The humidity is really doing a number on my jewfro and I’m beginning to resemble Diana Ross in the 80s. Which is appropriate since we just finished watching Stranger Things; a mystery/sci-fi/thriller reminiscent of Poltergeist and The Goonies. Lucky for us, Tas is off for the summer so we’re able to watch it during the day time. I made a strict rule about not watching after sundown. Not cool. I’ve almost peed my pants at least 7 times even when watching a corner of the screen through my fingers. Anyone else watching out there?? Have you pooped your pants yet??
Corn has been super sweet these past few weeks and I want to make sure you’re getting your summer corn fix before we head into the fall. I don’t want to say quite yet that I’m excited for root vegetables and pumpkin spice everything since once I do I’ll be begging for those beautiful berries. Corn on hummus seems like a funny thing but it works. I was thinking about making a mexican style roasted corn with hot peppers, cilantro, and lime when I realized that it sounded a lot like making schug. Schug, or zhug, is a cilantro (coriander) and pepper paste that’s used as a green hot sauce of sorts. It will last in the fridge in an air tight container for a week or so. Whisking a tablespoon of schug into eggs before scrambling them is one of my favorite uses for it. You can control the heat depending on how much seeds/ribs you use from the peppers. I generally make mine medium spicy. Sautéing the corn with some smoked paprika adds a depth of flavor and color to the corn. This dish is nutty, creamy, spicy, sweet, and smokey all at once. I also didn’t have to go out and slave in front of that hot grill for once which is a bonus. #atlantaisgrossRN

[ezcol_1half]MAKES 4 SERVINGS[/ezcol_1half]
[ezcol_1half_end]PRINT ME![/ezcol_1half_end]
[ezcol_1third]THE THINGS
1 cup dried chickpeas
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/3 cup tahini
2 tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
½ cup cilantro
½ cup parsley
½ jalapeño, ribs & seeds removed for mild
½ long green hot pepper, ribs & seeds removed for mild
2 cloves garlic
2-3 tbsp cool water
1/8 tsp cumin
2 pinches salt
kernels from 2 cobs of sweet yellow corn
1 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp schug
salt to taste
olive oil
cilantro leaves
smoked paprika
fluffy tear-able bread or pita, warm is best
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FOR THE HUMMUS: Place the dried chickpeas in a large glass or plastic bowl and cover with at least 6 cups of cool water. Leave on the counter top for at least 12 hours or over night.
Drain and place the soaked chickpeas in a stockpot and cover with 8-10 cups of water. There should be at least 3-inches of water above the chickpeas. Add the baking soda and bring to a boil over high heat. Once it boils, it will begin to foam. You want to skim away all that foam. That’s “dirty water”. Boil for 2 minutes while skimming. Turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer, uncovered stirring ever so often, for 35-45 minutes. You should be able to mash the chickpeas with your fingers when they’re ready. Lots of the skins will come off and start to disintegrate. This will make for a smooth hummus. Turn the heat off and set aside to cool to room temperature.
Once cooled, drain the chickpeas SAVING AT LEAST A HALF CUP OF COOKING LIQUID! Place the chickpeas in a food processor. Process until a thick paste forms, about a minute or two. Add the sesame paste, lemon juice, cumin and salt. Process again on high for at least one minute. If the hummus is too thick, slowly stream in a little of the chickpea cooking liquid to loosen it up. You may not need to add any liquid at all. It should be smooth with the texture of soft served ice cream. Taste for seasoning and adjust with salt and lemon juice.
FOR THE SCHUG: Place all of the schug ingredients in a food processor and process until everything is very finely chopped and a paste forms. Add a little bit more water if you find it’s too thick and won’t process down. This will keep in an air tight container in the fridge for up to a week.
FOR THE SMOKED PAPRIKA CORN & FINISHING: Heat the olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the corn kernels, smoked paprika, schug and salt to taste. Toss and cook for 2-3 minutes until the kernels are coated and warmed through. Plate the hummus and drizzle with a decent amount of olive oil. Place a nice heap of corn onto the hummus. Add a dollop of schug and garnish with cilantro leaves, smoked paprika and serve with fluffy tear-able Middle Eastern bread or pita.[/ezcol_2third_end]
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